Thursday, April 30, 2009

Farewell Poem

For today's prompt, I want you to write a farewell poem. After all, we are saying farewell to another wonderful National Poetry Month. Say farewell to this month; say farewell to a vacation spot; say farewell to a bad relationship; say farewell to work; say farewell to school; say farewell to saying farewell even. Hopefully, I won't be saying farewell to you; please stay in touch and let me know of your successes as we keep poeming toward the horizon.

I will never say good-bye
only au revoir
or “So Long”

Good-bye is so final
I don’t like it!
For we are friends
and friends, true friends
never part.

We will meet again
and it will be a joyous
For we are friends, true friends
and we can never be separated

Good-bye does not resonate
with what we have.
Our friendship is more
like family
more than friends
something much, much more

So I will never say good-bye\
only au revoir
or “So Long”
or maybe “See you soon.”
Good night Sweet Prince –


Nessa said...

A very nice ending for the month. Now we can rest a bit.

Bryan said...

I agree - very nice - looking forward to this months!!!